Charitable Grants

The PSC encourages organizations that serve the military and/or local community to submit requests for funding through the form below.
Requesting organization must be a non-profit, school or military organization. Funds cannot be given to individuals.
The PSC will not provide monetary support to any political candidate or partisan political cause.
The PSC will focus on providing grants to organizations that support the general welfare of the local community, military members, veterans, and military families. This includes, but is not limited to, organizations which are responsible for charitable, religious, scientific, literary, or educational activities.
Organizations are not required to hold 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) tax exempt status to receive funding.
All groups seeking funding should complete the Welfare Request form.
Under normal circumstances, organizations are only allowed to receive funds once per fiscal year. Exceptions will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
PSC funding will not be used to purchase alcohol.
Requests for the current fiscal year must be submitted by 15 April. Requests dated after April 15th will be reviewed after the start of the next fiscal year.
PSC funding should be used for specific programs, events, or services that benefit the local community. Funds cannot be approved for “General Operating Funds” or “Salaries.”
The PSC requests that organizations who receive grant funding provide the club with an audit report detailing use of funds. This short (usually one page) report helps us measure impact and ensure responsible stewardship of PSC funding.
Note: The fiscal year runs from 1 June to 31 May.
The PSC meets monthly between August and April to review and make determinations for welfare requests.
All requests are determined on a “first come, first serve” basis. Funds are awarded as requests are submitted and approved throughout the year.
No group is guaranteed funding approval. Approval depends on eligibility status, compliance with audits/documentation, and funding availability each year.
The PSC may approve a group for funding but not award the original amount requested. Grant amounts may be higher or lower depending on available funding resources, program impact, etc.
ALL requests for the current fiscal year are due by 15 April.
Groups requesting funds for December, January, and February events are encouraged to do so by October or November. Once the date of an event is scheduled – the request can be submitted.